Friday, February 13, 2015

Love Advice from 2nd Graders

Here's some free love advice for your Valentine's Day... Courtesy of Ms. Campi's second graders.
I gave students a prompt to answer the age old question... What is love? 
Their responses were rather adorable :) 

Love is when you like somebody or something that makes you feel not lonely... Awww :) 

I hold this child's hand every day at the end of the day on the way out to the cars. I never thought about how much it meant to her until now :) 

Love is that your heart is in another heart and you love someone and you feel so much that you want love in your heart :)
... That's just way too adorable! 

Short, sweet, and to the point!

The best part of the day, however, was when two of my students got to the carpet for our end of the day class meeting. These two students are not friends, and usually don't speak to one another. There are language and other communication barriers. BUT... They said to me "Ms. Campi! Ms. Campi! Look!" And they gave each other the biggest hug and yelled "happy Valentine's Day!" 
:) it's the little things...

Even though my students can be absolutely crazy and exhausting. It's refreshing to know how much innocence and love are in their hearts :)
Happy Valentine's Day! 

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