Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School!

Well... it's official. 
Tomorrow is my first day of teaching 2nd grade. 
Today we had a back-to-school BBQ and I got to meet a few of my students and their parents. 
Seeing the students today made me more excited than ever! 
I am looking forward to updating this blog with hilarious/ridiculous stories and pictures throughout the year with my super second graders!
 I hope you enjoy! :)
-Ms. Campi
(book donations are highly accepted and appreciated!) 

The front entry way to my classroom :) 
The back wall in my room with the phrase "What's your
super power?"

The front left corner of the room in the "nook"
behind the small group table. 
The window and some bookshelves. The banner reads:
"2nd grade is super!"
The view from the back left corner of the room! 

The other half of the "nook" with the CAFE
reading corner for reading strategies.
My whiteboard and the front carpet area for the kids.

The students' cubbies, behavior clip chart, sink area,
and birthday calendar!

A close-up of one of the table groups.
(all ready to go for the first day!)

1 comment:

  1. Kim,
    Room looks awesome...very welcoming...use all your knowledge and especially have FUN...if you don't already have a copy, I highly recommend Harry Wong's The First Days of School - this is a teachers' bible.
    Good luck!
